You will have to un-zone the office to force them to move. If you want a staff member to have a specific office, you should create the office as you add staff members otherwise they may take up an office you don't intend them to.Once a staff member that requires an office is hired they will be automatically assigned an unoccupied office.An office does not require walls around it, so you may create an open and modern workspace instead of a block of cell-like office cubicles.There is no benefit regarding size, save your money.Offices are a source of Luxurious Contraband items such as cell phones, cigs, and alcohol. The room size of an office needs to be at least 4x4.The minimum equipment an office requires is a desk, chair, and a filing cabinet.
Only one prisoner may be treated per session of 2 hours, and he will require the chair which is a mandatory object anyway. They are also used by Psychologists, who perform the Behavioural Therapy Program with prisoners there. An office is a room type for any Administrators, such as Accountants and Wardens.