Follow any on-screen instructions presented by the login method that you selected.Choose your preferred login method as prompted. Select the “Create/Link Account” button, or press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.To create and link a new Nexon account to Steam: If there are any errors, they will be shown on the screen otherwise, if there are no errors, you will be able to use the Racer Name and click Next to proceed. Please make sure to check if your Racer Name is taken. Important: Racer Names cannot be more than 16 characters, and must abide by the Code of Conduct outlined within the Terms of Service. Then select “Next” or press the “Enter” key on your keyboard to proceed. Select the “Play” button, or press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.Acknowledge the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Agreements by clicking on the blue “Terms and Conditions” button to the right, or by pressing the “O” key on your keyboard.Click the “Play Now” button, or press the “ESC” key on your keyboard.To create a guest account for KartRider: Drift on Steam: